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Israeli apartheid separation wall The wall effects of Palestinian lands and people Facts about the wall International Court strongly condemned Israel's West Bank barrier The wall maps The construction of the Israeli separation wall began on the 16th June 2002. For the most part the barrier, which could eventually extend over 750km, consists of a series of 25 foot high concrete walls, trenches, barbed wire and electrified fencing with numerous watch towers, electronic sensors, thermal imaging and video cameras, unmanned aerial vehicles, sniper towers, and roads for patrol vehicles. The most recent map of the Wall’s path, finalized November 2003, reveals that if completed in its entirety, nearly 50% of the West Bank population will be affected by the Wall through loss of land, imprisonment into ghettos, or isolation into Israeli de facto annexed areas1 . Israel maintains that the Wall is a temporary structure to physically separate the West Bank from Israel and thus to prevent suicid...